It's cold, the sky is grey

It's cold and the sun's gone down so it's dark outside, the sky was grey earlier when the sun was setting.  I had to go to the Jobcentre today, I got there quite early.  I'm going to a concert in Tooting Bec tonight starting at 8pm - 9pm, should be good.  I'm in the library on Lavender Hill now, I did my washing just now, and came here afterwards.  They said we're going to get snow, and the temperature is going to drop to -6C soon in London.  It's nice to come out, and get a bit of fresh air, and stretch my legs.  My course is going well, it will finish two weeks into December 2024 the tutor said, so we haven't got too long to go.  We get a guaranteed job interview at the end of it, so I hope I get a job.  


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