Hot sun

I've got a studio now, it's in Kennington, and I go there a couple of times a week, when i'm not working.  I've brought my laptop with me.  The things I want to do are:  have a baby, work at my job, go to my studio a couple of days a week and do my Bible School Course online, also go to church regularly.  I feel alright today, I woke up early, just before the alarm went off.  Before I left the house, I checked the weather online, with the Google Assistant, which I downloaded a couple of weeks ago.  It's on my iPhone and my tablet.  I put my warm jacket on because it said it was 12 degrees centigrade outside.  I'm on my laptop now, listening to music videos on my iPhone, and talking to my ex on Whatsapp.  I'm doing 9am - 5pm today, I bought something to eat, we have a kitchen and a microwave, so i've been cooking.  I'll just be on my laptop today, I might do some of my Bible School Course.  I put some hand sanitizer on to protect me from Coronovirus.


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