At Home

I'm at home today.  I worked yesterday and went to my studio afterwards.  I left about 6 pm.  I'm sitting in the front room with the window open.  It's warm.  Too warm.  It's going to be so hot this summer, last summer I could barely take the heat, this 😎 summer will be worse.  The leaves are on the tree outside my window, so I have a bit of privacy.  It was nice getting out in the sun yesterday, and having a long ride on the bus and seeing the sights.  I wore my cardigan because I thought it might be cold early in the morning, even if it heats up later.  The Google Assistant said it was going to be 27°c.  It was really hot.  The air was really warm and still.  Like the theirs no air.  I will keep you updated In events.


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